Self-publishing advantages multiply when you use
online publishers and
print on demand.

Self-publishing advantages combined with the advantages of online publishers and print on demand are unbeatable for new and unknown authors.

Major publishers, like major film studios, are interested in blockbusters and authors with name recognition. It is increasingly difficult for new authors to get published.

So, what is a new author to do? With all the disdain for self-publishing, you would think that self-publishing would have no advantages. the opposite is true. Let’s take a look.

Self-publishing advantages:

  • Your book will be published! You can hold a copy in your hand.

  • You retain all rights. If your book sells well on line, you can even go with a traditional publisher.

  • You have more control. You decide what it will look like, how much it will cost, what size it will be, and how it will be formatted.

  • Short turnaround time. If your manuscript and cover are ready, you can be published in days. With a traditional publisher, it is more apt to be 6 to 18 months.

  • No long term contracts. You always have the option of going in a different direction.

  • You make more money per book. With traditional publishers, you make around 6 to 10 percent of the cover price. With self-publishing, you should make around 30 to 40 percent. You also get paid more quickly.

  • Simplicity. When your files are ready, actually publishing your book is quite simple. Revisions and second editions are equally simple.

Self-publishing advantages multiple when you use an online publisher

It is no secret that CreateSpace is my favorite publisher. Master the skills of publishing, and you can literally publish for free. Yes, there are limitations. You can’t get into bookstores via CreateSpace, but if you are new or unknown, you can’t get into bookstores anyway.

Besides, you can always use a second publisher like Their $99.00 Publishing package will get your book into Books-in-Print. It will also be available to Ingram, the world’s largest book distributor. Note: is like CreateSpace in that you have to do all the work. Although, they will do it for a price.

However, this will still not get your book into bookstores. Bookstores, in general, will not order books by new or unknown authors. However, customers can order your book from a bookstore, and this is a small advantage that is not available from CreateSpace. Incidentally, it is also difficult for traditional publishers to get new and unknown authors into bookstores.

Self-publishing advantages multiple when you use Print on Demand (POD):

  • There are no distribution expenses.
  • There are no warehouse expenses.
  • No worries about devastating book returns.

Electronic publishing is the wave of the future. Imagine a Print on Demand (POD) book vending machine in every bookstore and every library. What will it do to the book publishing industry? What will it do to the offset printing industry?

I believe the electronic publishing age favors the independent author and publisher.

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