CreateSpace Disadvantages
Are Few, but Substantial.

CreateSpace disadvantages include all the disadvantages of self-publishing in general plus:

  • You literally have to do everything yourself. You design and layout your book block. You self-edit your book. You design and create your book cover. You convert your files to PDF. You promote and sell your book.

    If you look for bargains online, and contract for these services, you will still beat the package prices of most self-publishing service companies. And, You will have the advantage of CreateSpace's low cost books and high royalties.

  • CreateSpace’s distribution is no longer limited to; however, bookstores are not fond of self-published books or new and unknown authors. Therefore, your book will probably not appear on bookstore shelves.

    Also, royalties are not as generous with expanded distribution as they are with online sales.

    Expanded distribution is still worth while because there are still avid readers who are not comfortable buying books online. With expanded distribution, these readers will be able to order your book from their favorite bookstore.

  • CreateSpace does not have phone service free publishers. This is probably not a problem for those growing up with the Internet, but most of us who are older, like to talk to people when we have a problem.
  • CreateSpace is ahead of Lulu in the costs of books to authors and in the profits authors can make. However, CreateSpace has not caught up with Lulu in the assistance given to authors.

    CreateSpace recently added a cover creator. Lulu has a cover creator plus a PDF converter.

    CreateSpace could offer authors more assistance. I believe they will provide their own PDF converter in the future. Adding book templates for popular word processors would be a killer move.

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